The Vigo Village Hall was opened on the 4th April 1981.  It was built on land  given to the community by Jody Developments on the express instructions that a village hall was built on it. The hall is a registered charity (No:265623) and is run, independently from the Parish council by the Vigo Village Hall Management Committee. The committee consists of people from the village, all regular user groups are encouraged to join the committee  Villagers who are not hall users are also very welcome to join the committee.

Financially we depend on our hire charges and proceeds from the 800 club to meet our everyday costs. For more expensive refurbishment and capital projects we apply for grants from various bodies

Our regular users span various age groups and cover a variety of activities, please see our activities page.

As well as our regular users the hall is available for private hire for children's and adult's parties, weddings and club meeting etc. See our Hall Hire page for sizes and capacities of the halls.



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 activities in vigo village hall
Events in Vigo Village hall
800 club
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Vigo Village Hall Photos
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